Patient flow manager

The integral capacity management box that is unique and essential in
hospitals to anticipate on the future, build a digital twin and optimize
scarce resources

Our mission to help hospitals with their capacity management. In this time, it is very important for a hospital to be efficient with its capacity. By deploying capacity where it is needed, it is used for patient care rather than leaving capacity unused.

However, this is a difficult problem because it is not always known in advance how much capacity is needed due to fluctuations in the demand for care. In this video, dr. Dennis Roubos, mathematician and co-founder of Simbox, explains what capacity management means for hospitals and especially how a hospital can ensure that the amount of fluctuations is reduced. This makes it easier to determine the right amount of capacity and use it more efficiently.

These are usually difficult computations. Simbox offers a unique solution with the Patient Flow Manager. In this video the functionality of the Patient Flow Manager is shown from time to time, but it is not the purpose to show the software extensively. For that, please visit our website. If this video has raised your interest in the field of capacity management or the Patient Flow Manager, please contact us.


Hospitals need to have the right information to make optimal decisions. Forecasting is essential, but also being able to calculate new scenarios and optimizing schedules to reduce unnecessary variability and use the scarce resources more efficiently.


Create accurate short-term 14-days forecasts for each department

How many patients can we expect in our wards in the coming days or weeks? And where can a new patient best be placed?

This is not a simple question, because it requires making a good forecast in order to make the right decisions.

We have a solution called "Forecaster" that answers this difficult question by using state-of-the-art techniques, in which patient flows, lengths of stay, emergency arrivals, elective arrivals, patients already present and patients yet to be scheduled are only a small part of all the sophisticated techniques.


Create a digital model of the hospital and build new future scenarios

How much capacity will be needed in 6 months? What is the effect of closing a ward, remodeling, a length of stay reduction, variance reduction, new care pathways?

This requires a model of the hospital in which changes can be simulated and immediately make the effect visible.

Our solution "My digital twin" creates a digital representation of the hospital in which new scenarios can be created and calculated, ultimately resulting in the time-dependent required bed capacity and staff.


Calculations and optimizations without data connection

Without complicated data connections between source systems and Simbox, you can immediately perform complex calculation easily. How can patients in the outpatient department be planned optimally, and how does an optimal OR schedule look like?

This requires a lot of expertise in mathematics and especially probability and optimization techniques.

With the "Toolbox" solution, we offer various calculators and optimizers that are easy to use, but have an extremely high practical application. From integral capacity calculations to optimal schedules that allow for more efficient use of capacity.


Create your own cards and dashboards

Build informative and valuable dashboards yourself in no time where you convert data into information. What does the production look like compared to last year? How has the hospital done and what will it do? What is going on in the hospital right now?

With our solution "Smart Dashboard" anyone can build dashboards with our set of cards and apply complex calculations easily with our smart transformation, even without knowledge of data science.


dr. Roubos, PhD.March 7, 20230 Comments
Het afstemmen van aanbod en capaciteit is een lastige opgave. Zeker als de patiënten zich willekeurig lijken aan te bieden en er geen besef is wanneer de drukke en rustige momenten zijn. In zo een situatie moet er toch optimaal met de capaciteit omgegaan worden om verspilling tegen te gaan. Maar hoe doe je dit nu? En wat zijn de gevolgen als er niets gebeurd?

Het heeft te maken met variabiliteit in het aanbod en daarmee ook variabiliteit in het aantal aanwezige patiënten. Als er veel variatie is, en het dus moeilijk is om de capaciteit naadloos op het aanbod af te stemmen, dan heeft dit grote gevolgen. Het is dan lastig om de juiste hoeveelheid personeel en middelen in te zetten om aan de vraag te voldoen. Als er te weinig personeel en middelen beschikbaar zijn, kan dit leiden tot lange wachttijden voor patiënten en een hogere werkdruk voor het personeel. Aan de andere kant kan overbezetting leiden tot inefficiëntie en een verspilling van middelen.
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Afsprakenschema optimalisatie

Afsprakenschema optimalisatie

dr. Roubos, PhD.July 19, 20220 Comments
Optimalisatie in ziekenhuizen is tegenwoordig niet meer weg te denken. Met dezelfde capaciteit meer zorg leveren is mogelijk door de capaciteit optimaal in te zetten. Nu willen we het hebben over het optimaliseren van een afsprakenschema, waarbij afspraken van tevoren in slots worden ingepland.
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Design of an OR schedule

Design of an OR schedule

dr. Roubos, PhD.June 13, 20220 Comments
When designing an OR schedule, a large number of conditions come into play. For example, certain doctors will have a preference for a certain day that must be taken into account. Such conditions will reduce the number of possible unique OR schemes, but one thing is certain: the number of possible OR schemes remains too large to calculate them all.
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If you have a question about one of our solutions, or want to receive a proposal, please contant us directly at:

address: Bisonspoor 3002, B503 3605 LT Maarssen, Netherlands
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