Digital twin

Create a digital model of the hospital and build new future scenarios

How much capacity will be needed in 6 months? What is the effect of closing a ward, remodeling, a length of stay reduction, variance reduction, new care pathways?

Watch a comprehensive video about the digital twin giving an overview of the functionalities. For specific detailed information, see the corresponding videos.

innovative software tool to support hospitals in their strategic and operational patient flow management

It combines modern data science techniques with the latest insights in logistical and process thinking. It is developed based on decades of experience in process and capacity management in healthcare systems, and thrives on the input of numerous people dealing each day with patient flow management. The aim is to be of real support to all stakeholders passionate about delivering care at the right time, by the right person, in the right place.

run advanced simulations of the future

The Swiss knive for patient flow management

Built by and for healthcare organisations

Lots of data science technology

Load historical data

The basis is historical data of the hospital to learn how groups of patients have travelled through the hospital. With an easy-to-use import wizard, you can simply upload one or more files and use them in a model.

Group creator

With our intuitive front-end, you can create the patient groups. These are the key elements for all changes that can be made in the digital twin.

View effect on required capacity

Right after uploading data and defining groups, you see immediately the amount of bed capacity necessary for the next year.


Combine paths and departments, change arrival volumes, insert new paths, adjust the length of stay in specific time periods in the future and automatically view the changed effect on the required capacity.

Smart forecaster

Next-year arrivals are based on historical arrivals, but vacations, holidays and special days are taken into account. You can also adjust the generated forecasts manually to allow for certain foreseen changes.


Next to bed capacity requirements, the staffing levels are calculated for each part of the year, for different functions and shifts.


Model a new group that is not available in historical data with our easy-to-use modeler.

Calender view

Based on all changes in arrival volumes and paths, the chosen calculation paratemers, the required amount of beds and staffing is displayed in a calender for the next year.